Classroom Activities


Control Plan Lego Build

Grades 3-12        40 minutes

This LEGO build will work on developing teamwork, respect, initiative and pride in their work. Students will work in teams of two or three to construct an exact replica of a robot. During the first round the students will get to see the original robot for 30 seconds and then have one minute to build their own robot. They will have 10.5 minutes to try and complete the task with continued timed viewings of the original robot.

During the second round the students will be given 20 minutes to build their robot. In this 20 minutes students will work in their teams using a control plan to build an exact replica of the robot. The control plan will include instructions and illustrations to guide the teams.

This activity can be adjusted depending on ages of the students participating.

Dealing with Adversity

Grades 3-12        35 to 40 minutes

In this activity students will work on developing teamwork, respect, initiative, and pride in their work while dealing with adversity. Students will work in teams of two or three and be given 25 minutes to build a Lego robot using a control plan. Throughout the build process different situations will arise and the students will need to deal with them while still working to complete the robot.

This activity can be adjusted depending on ages of the student participating.

Communication is Key: Card Activity

Grades 3-12        35 to 40 minutes

This activity helps students understand negotiation and communication to achieve the most successful outcomes. Students will also draw conclusions on what could have been improved to achieve a desired outcome. These communication skills are very important in the manufacturing industry. Effective, clear and frequent communication in the workplace is a very important component to employees performing their jobs in a timely manner and with accuracy. When communication in the workplace takes place easily in all departments employers are finding that their employees are more engaged with their work which leads to better retention of employees and higher overall productivity.

This activity works best for students in grades 3rd-12th.

Lean Training

Grades 6-12        90 minutes

Students will work in teams to streamline a manufacturing process. During this activity students will learn about teamwork, effective communication and problem solving. Students will try to streamline their manufacturing process to make a profit. The students will complete a timed run of manufacturing a product and determine how profitable they were. After the first round students will need to work with their team to see if they can make their process more efficient.

Before the second run students will be able to incorporate any of their own plans for efficiency and implement changes to their process. They will then be able to see how their changes help or hurt their production and if they were able to make more of a profit.

This activity is best for 6th-12th grade and is best to have 90 minutes to complete.

STEM Activity

Grades K-12        90 minutes

The variety of STEM activities offered fall within the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These activities are designed to encourage students to use critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, teamwork and adaptability skills. The benefits of STEM activities include engagement, skill development, real-world application, and career awareness. Some of the STEM activities we offer include Paper Rockets, Tallest Paper Towel Challenge, Snack Bag Assembly Line, How to make a PB&J Sandwich, 3D Printing Pens, Tangram Challenge, and a Paper Airplane Factory. We understand each classroom is different and are open to discussion of other possible STEM activities or ideas we can partner with you on as well.

The STEM activities can be adjusted based on the age of the students that will be participating.

Control Plan Lego Build

Grades 3-12        40 minutes

This LEGO build will work on developing teamwork, respect, initiative and pride in their work. Students will work in teams of two or three to construct an exact replica of a robot. During the first round the students will get to see the original robot for 30 seconds and then have one minute to build their own robot. They will have 10.5 minutes to try and complete the task with continued timed viewings of the original robot.

During the second round the students will be given 20 minutes to build their robot. In this 20 minutes students will work in their teams using a control plan to build an exact replica of the robot. The control plan will include instructions and illustrations to guide the teams.

This activity can be adjusted depending on ages of the students participating.

Dealing with Adversity

Grades 3-12        35 to 40 minutes

In this activity students will work on developing teamwork, respect, initiative, and pride in their work while dealing with adversity. Students will work in teams of two or three and be given 25 minutes to build a Lego robot using a control plan. Throughout the build process different situations will arise and the students will need to deal with them while still working to complete the robot.

This activity can be adjusted depending on ages of the student participating.

Precision Measurement and Spotting Defects

Grades 3-12        35 to 40 minutes

This activity helps students understand negotiation and communication to achieve the most successful outcomes. Students will also draw conclusions on what could have been improved to achieve a desired outcome. These communication skills are very important in the manufacturing industry. Effective, clear and frequent communication in the workplace is a very important component to employees performing their jobs in a timely manner and with accuracy. When communication in the workplace takes place easily in all departments employers are finding that their employees are more engaged with their work which leads to better retention of employees and higher overall productivity.

This activity works best for students in grades 3rd-12th.

Lean Training

Grades 7-12        40 to 90 minutes

Students will work in teams to streamline a manufacturing process. During this activity students will learn about teamwork, effective communication and problem solving. Students will try to streamline their manufacturing process to make a profit. The students will complete a timed run of manufacturing a product and determine how profitable they were. After the first round students will need to work with their team to see if they can make their process more efficient.

Before the second run students will be able to incorporate any of their own plans for efficiency and implement changes to their process. They will then be able to see how their changes help or hurt their production and if they were able to make more of a profit.

This activity is best for 6th-12th grade and is best to have 90 minutes to complete.

STEM Activity

Grades 5-12        90 minutes

The variety of STEM activities offered fall within the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These activities are designed to encourage students to use critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, teamwork and adaptability skills. The benefits of STEM activities include engagement, skill development, real-world application, and career awareness. Some of the STEM activities we offer include Paper Rockets, Tallest Paper Towel Challenge, Snack Bag Assembly Line, How to make a PB&J Sandwich, 3D Printing Pens, Tangram Challenge, and a Paper Airplane Factory. We understand each classroom is different and are open to discussion of other possible STEM activities or ideas we can partner with you on as well.

The STEM activities can be adjusted based on the age of the students that will be participating.

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